I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you to my website.


My name is Linda Adams. This is my life.


My goal for this site is to produce positive information for those battling with disease and also inspire to be the best with what we’ve been given. I hope to partner with hospitals around the country, guest bloggers, nutritional posts and any relevant information. At the same time, I would like to donate to various Research Organizations in hopes that my struggles will not be anyone else’s.

In the United States about 600,000 have polycystic kidney disease. There are more than 660,000 receiving dialysis treatments and 84,000 waiting for organ transplants in the US alone. Each day an average of 79 people receive an organ transplant while 22 people waiting. Organ donation is built upon selflessness from a living donor or registering in your state to become a donor.

Melanoma of the skin is the most deadly form of skin caner. The mortality rates for invasive melanoma are highest in whites who have a higher risk of developing melanoma than African Americans. It is highly curable if caught early, but is more likely to spread if left untreated.

T-cell lymphoma is a rare type of non Hodgkin lymphoma that affects the skin. There a 4 main stages. If you are diagnosed at an early stage, there is a good chance of controlling the disease long term. For many people, it will not affect how long you live.

Lastly depression. We all know what it is. For me, it was more than just a “bout of the blues”. It’s a weakness I couldn’t snap out of. Doctors have said it’s based upon my rejection medicine. I’m not sure what it’s from but I can tell you it’s real. Most people with depression feel better with medication.

So here are my daily struggles. Lets not suffer alone and get healthy. Hope you find the information on my website helpful to you or a loved ones personal struggles.